Propelled by the vision of its ninth president, Dr. Dean Hubbard, and director of computing services, Dr. Jon Rickman, 全国网赌正规平台在1987年开启了“电子校园”的开关,成为全国第一个在每个宿舍房间和教师办公室都有联网计算机的公共机构. 全国网赌正规平台在收购时就开始将计算机基础设施嵌入其学术领域, during the 1977-1978 academic year, 一台具有多个终端访问功能的服务器,使数学系和计算机科学系以外的学生和教师都可以使用计算机——但电子校园将大学置于最前沿,引起了全国的关注.
A decade later with the advent of the internet, Northwest upgraded its network to support student, 教师和员工使用多媒体和基于网络的应用程序,同时进一步加强大学的学习. In 1999, 学校还成立了信息技术教育研究中心, or CITE, 利用国家提供的任务增强资金来支持教学技术需求,并启动了西北在线作为提供在线课程的平台.
Subsequently, 全国网赌正规平台与科罗拉多社区学院系统建立了合作关系,允许学生从社区学院转学,并通过西北在线完成商业学士学位. In December 2001, Christina Pasqua of Sterling, Colorado, became the first student to complete a degree through Northwest Online, earning her bachelor’s in business management.
As technology has advanced, so has Northwest. In 2005, Northwest began providing fully loaded notebook computers, and technical support, to all enrolled students. Bundled with the University’s textbook rental program, 哪个学校在每学期开始时为本科生提供所有的基本课本, 与其他大学的同龄人相比,在四年的学术生涯中,它为学生节省了数千美元.